Initial Advice to Scottish Government

The Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel give initial advice to the Scottish Government on immediate actions which can be taken to alleviate the impact of escalating energy prices on those suffering fuel poverty.

Initial Advice to Scottish Government.pdf

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4. Monitor and Evaluate the Fuel Poverty Strategy

Immediate action

Recommendation 11 – The Scottish Government should develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Fuel Poverty strategy and undertake renewed estimates of levels of fuel poverty

In its Report on inquiry into energy price rises,26 the Scottish Parliament’s Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee, note that accelerating “medium and long-term plans and strategies [which] will not only reduce future exposure to volatile energy prices but may also help meet net zero targets”.

The Panel is tasked with reviewing the Fuel Poverty Strategy with a view to suggesting amendments and bringing about a stronger focus on delivery. The Panel commits to undertaking this review in 2023, with attention to the impacts of the energy crisis.

In reviewing the Fuel Poverty Strategy, the Panel will, consider:

  • how fuel poverty and net zero strategies interrelate and connect, for example, in the regulated housing sector and rural housing. Exploring possibilities such as linking rents to energy efficiency.

In advance of this review, the Panel recommends that the Scottish Government:

  • develops a monitoring and evaluation framework for the strategy
  • publishes a detailed analysis of the estimated levels of fuel poverty, taking into account all announcements on energy costs, cost of living interventions and income support. This analysis needs to be based on a regional assessment of energy costs rather than UK average costs recognising particularly the challenges faced in remote and rural communities.


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