Terms and Conditions


The Scottish fuel Poverty Advisory Panel seeks to ensure that the information published on its website is up to date and accurate.

However, the information on the website does not constitute legal or professional advice and the Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.

The Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel cannot be held responsible for the contents of any pages referenced by an external link.

Any personal data collected through this website will be treated as confidential in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Social media accounts

The Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel social media accounts are managed internally by the secretariat.

Following us

If you follow us we will not automatically follow you back. Being followed or re-posted by the Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel social media account does not imply endorsement of any kind.


We will monitor our social media accounts during office hours.

Social Media accounts may occasionally be unavailable and the Scottish Fuel Poverty Panel accepts no responsibility for lack of service due to downtime.

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