The Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel Annual Report March 2023 – April 2024

We’re pleased to publish our first annual report. As this is our first annual report, we have set out the work we have done since our appointment in January 2022. We reflect on the significant increase in fuel poverty rates, from 24.6% in 2019 to 31% in 2022, driven by the energy crisis and the wider cost of living crisis, and the impact these have had on those suffering and entering fuel poverty. This is the context which has dictated and shaped our work since we were appointed.

The Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf

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Our Approach

In the just over two years since our appointment, we have been working to:

  • Engage widely with stakeholders across the fuel poverty landscape – in Scotland and beyond – including those with lived experience of fuel poverty, third sector organisations, national and local governments, Ofgem and the Energy Ombudsman.
  • Reflect on the Scottish Government’s Tackling Fuel Poverty Strategy which shapes and sets the direction for fuel poverty policy in Scotland, offering advice and recommendations to the Scottish Government on the strategy and progress towards its outcomes.
  • Contribute to the work to mitigate fuel poverty through participating in cross-sector groups, key consultations, offering Ministers advice and exploring the possibilities for both short and longer-term measures to alleviate, and ultimately eradicate, fuel poverty.
  • Develop and formalise our vision, mission and principles (which follow below) and objectives through our initial work up to March 2024. Our objectives are reflected in our recently published Strategic Plan for April 2024 to March 2027 and our Workplan for April 2024 to March 2025.
  • Establish the Panel on a strong governance footing.

Our Vision, Mission, and Principles

The Panel’s vision is for a Scotland where everyone lives in an energy efficient home and has access to affordable and clean energy – a Scotland where no one lives in fuel poverty.

The Panel’s work is driven by its mission:

  • to strengthen fuel poverty policy, legislation and practice in Scotland and the UK
  • to eradicate fuel poverty and increase resilience by engaging with people with lived experience and those who support them; and
  • by advising Scottish Ministers, scrutinising progress, and advocating for action.

In working to realise our vision and achieve our mission, the Panel aims to foster an ethos supported by these principles:

  • Undertake work that is independent and objective.
  • Be open and transparent, bringing our Code of Conduct principles to all that we do.
  • Work in an inquisitive, consultative, and collaborative way, including in the development, delivery and sharing of our thinking and advice.
  • Provide visionary and dynamic advice and input to both long term challenges and the response to immediate need.
  • Be respectful and supportive listeners to all, particularly offering a safe space for those with lived experience of fuel poverty to share their insights, understanding and views.
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